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AUC Libraries and Learning Technologies

AUC Libraries and Learning Technologies

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AUC Libraries and Learning Technologies, Library in Egypt

AUC Libraries and Learning Technologies serves the American University in Cairo.

The libraries have evolved with the AUC since its founding in 1919.

They hold a wide collection of materials, supporting diverse cultural studies.

Equipped with modern learning technologies and services for research assistance.

Home to the Rare Books and Special Collections Library.


Source: Wikimedia


AUC Libraries and Learning Technologies Library in Egypt

Egypt 0 m
AUC Libraries and Learning Technologies
Egypt 0 m
Petrified Forest near Maadi Petrified forest in Egypt

Egypt 6 km
Petrified Forest near Maadi
Petrified Forest near Maadi Petrified forest in Egypt
Egypt 6 km
Al-Fattah al-Alim mosque Mosque in Egypt

Egypt 9.9 km
Al-Fattah al-Alim mosque
Al-Fattah al-Alim mosque Mosque in Egypt
Egypt 9.9 km
Wadi Degla Wadi in Cairo

Egypt 14 km
Wadi Degla
Wadi Degla Wadi in Cairo
Egypt 14 km
Green River Park Urban park in Egypt

Egypt 15.1 km
Green River Park
Green River Park Urban park in Egypt
Egypt 15.1 km
Cairo Airport obelisk Obelisk in Cairo International Airport, Egypt

Egypt 15.1 km
Cairo Airport obelisk
Cairo Airport obelisk Obelisk in Cairo International Airport, Egypt
Egypt 15.1 km
Cathedral of Our Lady of Egypt Catholic cathedral in Egypt

Egypt 16.1 km
Cathedral of Our Lady of Egypt
Cathedral of Our Lady of Egypt Catholic cathedral in Egypt
Egypt 16.1 km
Rabaa Al-Adawiya Mosque Mosque in Egypt

Egypt 17.6 km
Rabaa Al-Adawiya Mosque
Rabaa Al-Adawiya Mosque Mosque in Egypt
Egypt 17.6 km
Cathedral of Our Lady of Fatima Catholic cathedral in Egypt

Egypt 17.8 km
Cathedral of Our Lady of Fatima
Cathedral of Our Lady of Fatima Catholic cathedral in Egypt
Egypt 17.8 km
Baron Empain Palace Palace in Egypt

Egypt 18 km
Baron Empain Palace
Baron Empain Palace Palace in Egypt
Egypt 18 km
Sultana Malak Palace Historical palace in Egypt

Egypt 18.2 km
Sultana Malak Palace
Sultana Malak Palace Historical palace in Egypt
Egypt 18.2 km
Saint Mark Coptic Orthodox Church Coptic church in Egypt

Egypt 18.3 km
Saint Mark Coptic Orthodox Church
Saint Mark Coptic Orthodox Church Coptic church in Egypt
Egypt 18.3 km
Child Museum Children's museum in Egypt

Egypt 18.4 km
Child Museum
Child Museum Children's museum in Egypt
Egypt 18.4 km
Unknown Soldier Memorial Memorial in Egypt

Egypt 18.6 km
Unknown Soldier Memorial
Unknown Soldier Memorial Memorial in Egypt
Egypt 18.6 km
Our Lady of Heliopolis Co-Cathedral Co-cathedral in Egypt

Egypt 18.7 km
Our Lady of Heliopolis Co-Cathedral
Our Lady of Heliopolis Co-Cathedral Co-cathedral in Egypt
Egypt 18.7 km
Heliopolis Palace Presidential Palace in Egypt

Egypt 19 km
Heliopolis Palace
Heliopolis Palace Presidential Palace in Egypt
Egypt 19 km
6th of October Panorama Memorial museum in Egypt

Egypt 19.6 km
6th of October Panorama
6th of October Panorama Memorial museum in Egypt
Egypt 19.6 km
Gamal Abdel Nasser Museum Museum in Egypt

Egypt 19.7 km
Gamal Abdel Nasser Museum
Gamal Abdel Nasser Museum Museum in Egypt
Egypt 19.7 km
Tahra Palace Royal Palace in Egypt

Egypt 20.4 km
Tahra Palace
Tahra Palace Royal Palace in Egypt
Egypt 20.4 km
Koubbeh Palace Palace in Egypt

Egypt 20.9 km
Koubbeh Palace
Koubbeh Palace Palace in Egypt
Egypt 20.9 km
Gamal Abdel Nasser Mosque Mosque in Cairo.

Egypt 21 km
Gamal Abdel Nasser Mosque
Gamal Abdel Nasser Mosque Mosque in Cairo.
Egypt 21 km
Al-Rahman Al-Rahim Mosque Mosque in Egypt

Egypt 21.3 km
Al-Rahman Al-Rahim Mosque
Al-Rahman Al-Rahim Mosque Mosque in Egypt
Egypt 21.3 km
Church of Saint Simon in Cairo Church in Egypt

Egypt 21.6 km
Church of Saint Simon in Cairo
Egypt 21.6 km
Mosque and Khanqah of Farag ibn Barquq Mausoleum in Egypt

Egypt 21.6 km
Mosque and Khanqah of Farag ibn Barquq
Egypt 21.6 km
Monastery of Saint Simon the Tanner Monastery in Egypt

Egypt 21.6 km
Monastery of Saint Simon the Tanner
Egypt 21.6 km
Emir Qurqumas Complex Mausoleum in Egypt

Egypt 21.7 km
Emir Qurqumas Complex
Emir Qurqumas Complex Mausoleum in Egypt
Egypt 21.7 km
Khanqah-Mausoleum of Sultan Barsbay Mausoleum and mosque in Egypt

Egypt 21.7 km
Khanqah-Mausoleum of Sultan Barsbay
Khanqah-Mausoleum of Sultan Barsbay Mausoleum and mosque in Egypt
Egypt 21.7 km
Zaafarana palace Islamic architecture in Cairo

Egypt 21.7 km
Zaafarana palace
Zaafarana palace Islamic architecture in Cairo
Egypt 21.7 km
Takiya of Ahmad Abu Sayf Takiya (Tekke) in Kairo, Ägypten

Egypt 21.7 km
Takiya of Ahmad Abu Sayf
Takiya of Ahmad Abu Sayf Takiya (Tekke) in Kairo, Ägypten
Egypt 21.7 km
« AUC Libraries and Learning Technologies - Library in Egypt » is provided by Around.Us ( Images and texts are derived from Wikimedia project under a Creative Commons license. You are allowed to copy, distribute, and modify copies of this page, under the conditions set by the license, as long as this note is clearly visible.