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Volcán Atitlán

Volcán Atitlán

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Volcán Atitlán, Volcano in Guatemala

Volcán Atitlán is one of the most beautiful volcanoes in Guatemala.

The volcano last erupted in 1853.

Local legends say that gods dwell within Volcán Atitlán.

Hiking trails to Volcán Atitlán are popular among adventure tourists.

Its trio configuration with Volcán Tolimán and Volcán San Pedro is iconic.

Sources: Wikimedia, OpenStreetMap


Volcán Atitlán Volcano in Guatemala

Guatemala 0 m
Volcán Atitlán
Volcán Atitlán Volcano in Guatemala
Guatemala 0 m
Volcán Tolimán Volcano in Guatemala

Guatemala 4.2 km
Volcán Tolimán
Volcán Tolimán Volcano in Guatemala
Guatemala 4.2 km
Volcán San Pedro Stratovolcano in Guatemala

Guatemala 11.9 km
Volcán San Pedro
Volcán San Pedro Stratovolcano in Guatemala
Guatemala 11.9 km
Riviera de Atitlan High-rise in Guatemala

Guatemala 18.6 km
Riviera de Atitlan
Riviera de Atitlan High-rise in Guatemala
Guatemala 18.6 km
Chocolá Archaeological site in Guatemala

Guatemala 26.1 km
Chocolá Archaeological site in Guatemala
Guatemala 26.1 km
El Baúl Archeological site in Guatemala

Guatemala 28.9 km
El Baúl
El Baúl Archeological site in Guatemala
Guatemala 28.9 km
Bilbao Archaeological site in Guatemala

Guatemala 31.1 km
Bilbao Archaeological site in Guatemala
Guatemala 31.1 km
Cotzumalhuapa Archaeological site in Guatemala

Guatemala 33.2 km
Cotzumalhuapa Archaeological site in Guatemala
Guatemala 33.2 km
Acatenango Volcano in Guatemala

Guatemala 34.8 km
Acatenango Volcano in Guatemala
Guatemala 34.8 km
Volcán de Fuego Active volcano in Guatemala.

Guatemala 35.2 km
Volcán de Fuego
Volcán de Fuego Active volcano in Guatemala.
Guatemala 35.2 km
« Volcán Atitlán - Volcano in Guatemala » is provided by Around.Us ( Images and texts are derived from Wikimedia project under a Creative Commons license. You are allowed to copy, distribute, and modify copies of this page, under the conditions set by the license, as long as this note is clearly visible.