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Moidams – the Mound-Burial system of the Ahom Dynasty, Tentative World Heritage Site in India

Source: Wikimedia


Moidams – the Mound-Burial system of the Ahom Dynasty Tentative World Heritage Site in India

India 0 m
Moidams – the Mound-Burial system of the Ahom Dynasty Tentative World Heritage Site in India
India 0 m
Maidam Tumuli group in India

India 421 m
Maidam Tumuli group in India
India 421 m
Kareng Ghar Palace in Assam, India

India 13.3 km
Kareng Ghar
Kareng Ghar Palace in Assam, India
India 13.3 km
Ahom Raja's Palace Building in India

India 13.3 km
Ahom Raja's Palace
Ahom Raja's Palace Building in India
India 13.3 km
Sivasagar Vishnudol Sibsagar Vishnudol

India 24.8 km
Sivasagar Vishnudol
Sivasagar Vishnudol Sibsagar Vishnudol
India 24.8 km
Sivasagar Sivadol Temple in Assam, India

India 24.9 km
Sivasagar Sivadol
Sivasagar Sivadol Temple in Assam, India
India 24.9 km
Sivasagar Devidol Temple in India

India 25 km
Sivasagar Devidol
Sivasagar Devidol Temple in India
India 25 km
Joysagar Vishnudol Temple in India

India 25.3 km
Joysagar Vishnudol
Joysagar Vishnudol Temple in India
India 25.3 km
Talatal Ghar Palace in Assam, India

India 25.4 km
Talatal Ghar
Talatal Ghar Palace in Assam, India
India 25.4 km
Rangnath Dol Hindu temple in India

India 25.5 km
Rangnath Dol
Rangnath Dol Hindu temple in India
India 25.5 km
Fakuwa Doul

India 25.6 km
Fakuwa Doul
India 25.6 km
Gola Ghar Granary in India

India 25.6 km
Gola Ghar
Gola Ghar Granary in India
India 25.6 km
Joysagar Sivadol Temple in India

India 25.7 km
Joysagar Sivadol
Joysagar Sivadol Temple in India
India 25.7 km
Joysagar Devidol Temple in India

India 25.9 km
Joysagar Devidol
Joysagar Devidol Temple in India
India 25.9 km
Bezar Doul

India 25.9 km
Bezar Doul
India 25.9 km
Ghanashyam's house Building in India

India 25.9 km
Ghanashyam's house
Ghanashyam's house Building in India
India 25.9 km
Rang Ghar Amphitheater in Assam, India

India 25.9 km
Rang Ghar
Rang Ghar Amphitheater in Assam, India
India 25.9 km
Siva Doul 18th century Hindu temple

India 29.2 km
Siva Doul
Siva Doul 18th century Hindu temple
India 29.2 km
Namdang Stone Bridge Bridge in Assam, India

India 33.2 km
Namdang Stone Bridge
Namdang Stone Bridge Bridge in Assam, India
India 33.2 km
Gaurisagar Sivadol Temple in India

India 33.8 km
Gaurisagar Sivadol
Gaurisagar Sivadol Temple in India
India 33.8 km
Gaurisagar Tank Reservoir in India

India 34 km
Gaurisagar Tank
Gaurisagar Tank Reservoir in India
India 34 km
Gaurisagar Devidol Temple in India

India 34.1 km
Gaurisagar Devidol
Gaurisagar Devidol Temple in India
India 34.1 km
Gaurisagar Vishnudol Temple in India

India 34.3 km
Gaurisagar Vishnudol
Gaurisagar Vishnudol Temple in India
India 34.3 km
Bogibeel Bridge Rail-cum-road bridge in India

India 53.1 km
Bogibeel Bridge
Bogibeel Bridge Rail-cum-road bridge in India
India 53.1 km
Hoollongapar Gibbon Sanctuary Protected area in India

India 55.3 km
Hoollongapar Gibbon Sanctuary
Hoollongapar Gibbon Sanctuary Protected area in India
India 55.3 km
Basudev Than Satra in India

India 56.1 km
Basudev Than
Basudev Than Satra in India
India 56.1 km
Tilinga Mandir Hindu temple in Assam, India

India 66.3 km
Tilinga Mandir
Tilinga Mandir Hindu temple in Assam, India
India 66.3 km
Burhi Gosani Devalaya Jorhat Hindu Shakta temple in Jorhat Assam

India 69.1 km
Burhi Gosani Devalaya Jorhat
Burhi Gosani Devalaya Jorhat Hindu Shakta temple in Jorhat Assam
India 69.1 km
Majuli River island in India

India 70.7 km
Majuli River island in India
India 70.7 km
Molai forest Forest in India

India 72.9 km
Molai forest
Molai forest Forest in India
India 72.9 km
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