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Colonia Firenze

Welcome to the touristic guide of La Colonia Firenze, a summer seaside resort located in Calambrone on Viale Tirreno 70-72. This complex was built in 1931-1932 by architect Giovannozzi for the Gioventù Italiana Littorio and was the first of its kind in Calambrone. The complex has a comb-like shape with several pavilions arranged perpendicularly to the coastline and connected by a long distribution corridor axis. From the entrance on Viale Tirreno, you will arrive at the central building where the management and administrative offices were located. This building is characterized by a loggia with brick columns. Four longitudinal pavilions, symmetrically arranged in pairs, were occupied by dormitories and services, with a development of two floors. At the north and south ends, there are two pavilions used as dining halls with kitchens and smaller dormitories. In addition to the typically rationalist shapes, the absolute autonomy of each block was a characteristic of the complex, allowing it to be used partially. The decoration was entrusted to some motifs of the terracotta cladding. Outside, the complex was surrounded by a large pine garden, totaling 32,867 m². Unfortunately, the pine forest has been cut down due to the attack of the matsucoccus, and there are no plans to replant it as the area is expected to become a parking lot. La Colonia Firenze is a unique example of Italian architecture from the early 20th century, and it is worth visiting for its historical and cultural significance. Visitors can admire the rationalist style of the buildings and learn about the history of the Gioventù Italiana Littorio. If you are interested in architecture, you can take a guided tour of the complex to learn more about the design and construction of the buildings. You can also visit the nearby town of Pisa, which is famous for its leaning tower and other historical landmarks. For those who enjoy outdoor activities, Calambrone offers a beautiful beach where you can swim, sunbathe, and relax. You can also rent a bike and explore the surrounding area or take a boat tour to discover the stunning coastline. In conclusion, La Colonia Firenze is a must-see destination for anyone interested in Italian architecture and history. Whether you are looking for cultural experiences or outdoor activities, this seaside resort has something for everyone.

Location: Pisa

Source: Wikimedia


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