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Province of Calca, Province in Peru

Calca Province is one of thirteen provinces in the Cusco Region of Peru.

Historically, Calca was part of the Inca Empire and features many archaeological sites.

The region celebrates traditional Andean festivals like the Warachikuy.

Calca offers various trekking routes for adventure enthusiasts.

Pisac, a town in Calca, is famous for its indigenous market and Incan ruins.

Location: Province of Calca

Sources: Wikimedia, OpenStreetMap


Province of Calca Province in Peru

Peru 0 m
Province of Calca
Province of Calca Province in Peru
Peru 0 m
Inca Trail to Machu Picchu Hiking trail in Peru

Peru 41.8 km
Inca Trail to Machu Picchu
Inca Trail to Machu Picchu Hiking trail in Peru
Peru 41.8 km
Saqsaywaman Inca fortress in Cusco, Peru

Peru 63.8 km
Saqsaywaman Inca fortress in Cusco, Peru
Peru 63.8 km
Coricancha Inca temple in Peru

Peru 65.2 km
Coricancha Inca temple in Peru
Peru 65.2 km
Moray Inca ruin in Peru

Peru 45.9 km
Moray Inca ruin in Peru
Peru 45.9 km
Písac Inca ruins in Peru

Peru 58.1 km
Písac Inca ruins in Peru
Peru 58.1 km
Cusco Cathedral Cathedral in Cusco, Peru

Peru 64.8 km
Cusco Cathedral
Cusco Cathedral Cathedral in Cusco, Peru
Peru 64.8 km
Plaza de Armas (Cusco) UNESCO heritage site in Peru

Peru 64.8 km
Plaza de Armas (Cusco)
Plaza de Armas (Cusco) UNESCO heritage site in Peru
Peru 64.8 km
Tambomachay Archaeological site in Peru

Peru 61.1 km
Tambomachay Archaeological site in Peru
Peru 61.1 km
Chinchero International Airport Future airport in Peru

Peru 50.6 km
Chinchero International Airport
Chinchero International Airport Future airport in Peru
Peru 50.6 km
Q'inqu Inca ceremonial complex in Peru

Peru 64.2 km
Q'inqu Inca ceremonial complex in Peru
Peru 64.2 km
Tipón Cultural heritage site in Peru

Peru 76.3 km
Tipón Cultural heritage site in Peru
Peru 76.3 km
Puka Pukara Archaeological site in Peru

Peru 61.4 km
Puka Pukara
Puka Pukara Archaeological site in Peru
Peru 61.4 km
Cristo Blanco Statue in Peru

Peru 64 km
Cristo Blanco
Cristo Blanco Statue in Peru
Peru 64 km
National School of Sciences and Arts Historic school in Cusco, Peru

Peru 65 km
National School of Sciences and Arts
National School of Sciences and Arts Historic school in Cusco, Peru
Peru 65 km
Convent of Santo Domingo, Cusco Convent in Cusco, Peru

Peru 65.2 km
Convent of Santo Domingo, Cusco
Convent of Santo Domingo, Cusco Convent in Cusco, Peru
Peru 65.2 km
Church of San Blas Church building in Cusco, Peru

Peru 64.9 km
Church of San Blas
Church of San Blas Church building in Cusco, Peru
Peru 64.9 km
Mercado Central de San Pedro Marketplace in Cusco

Peru 65.2 km
Mercado Central de San Pedro
Mercado Central de San Pedro Marketplace in Cusco
Peru 65.2 km
Pinkuylluna Incan granaries in Ollantaytambo

Peru 41.6 km
Pinkuylluna Incan granaries in Ollantaytambo
Peru 41.6 km
Muyuq Marka Archaeological site in Peru

Peru 63.9 km
Muyuq Marka
Muyuq Marka Archaeological site in Peru
Peru 63.9 km
Willka Wiqi

Peru 38.4 km
Willka Wiqi
Peru 38.4 km
Colegio Educandas Historic school in Peru

Peru 64.7 km
Colegio Educandas
Colegio Educandas Historic school in Peru
Peru 64.7 km
Iglesia de San Cristobal Church in Cusco

Peru 64.4 km
Iglesia de San Cristobal
Iglesia de San Cristobal Church in Cusco
Peru 64.4 km
Laq'o Archaeological site in Peru

Peru 63.8 km
Laq'o Archaeological site in Peru
Peru 63.8 km
Plaza San Francisco, Cusco Historic square in Cusco, Peru

Peru 65 km
Plaza San Francisco, Cusco
Plaza San Francisco, Cusco Historic square in Cusco, Peru
Peru 65 km
Arco de Santa Clara Arch in Cusco

Peru 65.1 km
Arco de Santa Clara
Arco de Santa Clara Arch in Cusco
Peru 65.1 km
San Francisco Church Heritage church in Cusco

Peru 64.9 km
San Francisco Church
San Francisco Church Heritage church in Cusco
Peru 64.9 km
Hotel Monasterio Luxury hotel in Peru

Peru 64.7 km
Hotel Monasterio
Hotel Monasterio Luxury hotel in Peru
Peru 64.7 km
Hospital Antonio Lorena Hospital in Peru

Peru 65.9 km
Hospital Antonio Lorena
Hospital Antonio Lorena Hospital in Peru
Peru 65.9 km
Plaza Kusipata Historical square in Cusco, Peru

Peru 64.8 km
Plaza Kusipata
Plaza Kusipata Historical square in Cusco, Peru
Peru 64.8 km
Archbishop's Palace of Cusco Archbishop's palace in Cusco, Peru

Peru 64.8 km
Archbishop's Palace of Cusco
Archbishop's Palace of Cusco Archbishop's palace in Cusco, Peru
Peru 64.8 km
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