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Municipio VIII, municipio of Rome, Italy

Location: Roma Capitale

Inception: March 11, 2013

Population: 130089


Sources: Wikimedia, OpenStreetMap


Porta Furba City gate in Rome

Italy 5.6 km
Porta Furba
Porta Furba City gate in Rome
Italy 5.6 km
Tomb of Hilarus Fuscus Ancient tomb in Italy

Italy 4.3 km
Tomb of Hilarus Fuscus
Tomb of Hilarus Fuscus Ancient tomb in Italy
Italy 4.3 km
Capannelle Residential area in Rome

Italy 7.8 km
Capannelle Residential area in Rome
Italy 7.8 km
Catacomb of Commodilla Catacombs in Italy

Italy 2.2 km
Catacomb of Commodilla
Catacomb of Commodilla Catacombs in Italy
Italy 2.2 km
Church of Domine Quo Vadis Church building in Rome

Italy 3.2 km
Church of Domine Quo Vadis
Church of Domine Quo Vadis Church building in Rome
Italy 3.2 km
EUR piezometric water tower Piezometric tower in Italy

Italy 2.6 km
EUR piezometric water tower
EUR piezometric water tower Piezometric tower in Italy
Italy 2.6 km
Museo delle Civiltà Anthropology museum in Rome, Italy

Italy 1.4 km
Museo delle Civiltà
Museo delle Civiltà Anthropology museum in Rome, Italy
Italy 1.4 km
Arch of Drusus Triumphal arch in Italy

Italy 3.9 km
Arch of Drusus
Arch of Drusus Triumphal arch in Italy
Italy 3.9 km
Santa Maria Ausiliatrice, Rome Minor basilica in Rome, Italy

Italy 5.3 km
Santa Maria Ausiliatrice, Rome
Santa Maria Ausiliatrice, Rome Minor basilica in Rome, Italy
Italy 5.3 km
Ligini Towers High-rise complex in Italy

Italy 1.7 km
Ligini Towers
Ligini Towers High-rise complex in Italy
Italy 1.7 km
Columbarium of Pomponius Hylas First-century columbarium in Rome

Italy 4.1 km
Columbarium of Pomponius Hylas
Columbarium of Pomponius Hylas First-century columbarium in Rome
Italy 4.1 km
Museo delle Mura Historical museum in Rome

Italy 3.9 km
Museo delle Mura
Museo delle Mura Historical museum in Rome
Italy 3.9 km
Vigna Randanini Catacombs in Italy

Italy 3.3 km
Vigna Randanini
Vigna Randanini Catacombs in Italy
Italy 3.3 km
Capo di Bove Ancient Roman villa in Rome

Italy 3.1 km
Capo di Bove
Capo di Bove Ancient Roman villa in Rome
Italy 3.1 km
Monte del Grano Mausoleum in Rome

Italy 6 km
Monte del Grano
Monte del Grano Mausoleum in Rome
Italy 6 km
Villa Almone Ancient villa in Italy

Italy 3.7 km
Villa Almone
Villa Almone Ancient villa in Italy
Italy 3.7 km
Ponte dell'Industria Bridge in Rome

Italy 3.6 km
Ponte dell'Industria
Ponte dell'Industria Bridge in Rome
Italy 3.6 km
Tomb of Priscilla Ancient tomb in Italy

Italy 3.2 km
Tomb of Priscilla
Tomb of Priscilla Ancient tomb in Italy
Italy 3.2 km
Nymphaeum of Egeria Ancient sanctuary in Italy

Italy 3.9 km
Nymphaeum of Egeria
Nymphaeum of Egeria Ancient sanctuary in Italy
Italy 3.9 km
Palazzo degli Uffici Office building in Rome

Italy 1.4 km
Palazzo degli Uffici
Palazzo degli Uffici Office building in Rome
Italy 1.4 km
INAIL Tower High-rise building in Italy

Italy 1.4 km
INAIL Tower High-rise building in Italy
Italy 1.4 km
Tombs of Via Latina Ancient Roman tombs in Rome

Italy 4.8 km
Tombs of Via Latina
Tombs of Via Latina Ancient Roman tombs in Rome
Italy 4.8 km
Casa del jazz Jazz venue in Rome

Italy 3.7 km
Casa del jazz
Casa del jazz Jazz venue in Rome
Italy 3.7 km
Mausoleum of Maxentius Mausoleum in Rome

Italy 3.2 km
Mausoleum of Maxentius
Mausoleum of Maxentius Mausoleum in Rome
Italy 3.2 km
Castello della Cecchignola Castle in Italy

Italy 3.2 km
Castello della Cecchignola
Castello della Cecchignola Castle in Italy
Italy 3.2 km
Casal Rotondo Ancient mausoleum in Italy

Italy 6.4 km
Casal Rotondo
Casal Rotondo Ancient mausoleum in Italy
Italy 6.4 km
Parco archeologico dell'Appia Antica Archaeological site in Italy

Italy 4.7 km
Parco archeologico dell'Appia Antica
Parco archeologico dell'Appia Antica Archaeological site in Italy
Italy 4.7 km
Church of St. Policarp Catholic church in Italy

Italy 6.2 km
Church of St. Policarp
Church of St. Policarp Catholic church in Italy
Italy 6.2 km
Museo Nazionale delle Arti e Tradizioni Popolari Ethnographic museum in Italy

Italy 1.3 km
Museo Nazionale delle Arti e Tradizioni Popolari
Italy 1.3 km
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