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Province of Pistoia, Province in Italy

The Province of Pistoia is situated in the northern part of Tuscany.

Throughout history, Pistoia has been a hub for agriculture and ironworking.

Pistoia showcases a variety of medieval arts and architectural styles.

Transportation options in Pistoia are well-developed with rail and road networks.

The zoo of Pistoia is one of the major attractions, known for its biodiversity.

Location: Tuscany

Capital city: Pistoia


Sources: Wikimedia, OpenStreetMap


Province of Pistoia Province in Italy

Italy 0 m
Province of Pistoia
Province of Pistoia Province in Italy
Italy 0 m
Ponte sospeso di San Marcello Piteglio Suspension bridge in Italy

Italy 18 km
Ponte sospeso di San Marcello Piteglio
Ponte sospeso di San Marcello Piteglio Suspension bridge in Italy
Italy 18 km
Villa Medici Medici Villa in Poggio a Caiano, Italy

Italy 17.1 km
Villa Medici
Villa Medici Medici Villa in Poggio a Caiano, Italy
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Corno alle Scale Mountain peak in Italy

Italy 21.9 km
Corno alle Scale
Corno alle Scale Mountain peak in Italy
Italy 21.9 km
Parco di Pinocchio Historical park museum in Italy

Italy 21.5 km
Parco di Pinocchio
Parco di Pinocchio Historical park museum in Italy
Italy 21.5 km
Pistoia Cathedral Cathedral in Pistoia

Italy 100 m
Pistoia Cathedral
Pistoia Cathedral Cathedral in Pistoia
Italy 100 m
Pulpit of Sant' Andrea, Pistoia Pulpit in Italy

Italy 310 m
Pulpit of Sant' Andrea, Pistoia
Italy 310 m
Oak of the Witches Historic oak in Italy

Italy 22.7 km
Oak of the Witches
Oak of the Witches Historic oak in Italy
Italy 22.7 km
Birthplace of Leonardo da Vinci Birthplace in Vinci

Italy 15.4 km
Birthplace of Leonardo da Vinci
Birthplace of Leonardo da Vinci Birthplace in Vinci
Italy 15.4 km
Villa Garzoni Baroque villa in Italy

Italy 21.4 km
Villa Garzoni
Villa Garzoni Baroque villa in Italy
Italy 21.4 km
Ospedale del Ceppo Former hospital in Italy

Italy 229 m
Ospedale del Ceppo
Ospedale del Ceppo Former hospital in Italy
Italy 229 m
Zoo di Pistoia Zoo and amusement park in Tuscany, Italy

Italy 4.1 km
Zoo di Pistoia
Zoo di Pistoia Zoo and amusement park in Tuscany, Italy
Italy 4.1 km
Passo della Croce Arcana Mountain pass in Italy

Italy 24.8 km
Passo della Croce Arcana
Passo della Croce Arcana Mountain pass in Italy
Italy 24.8 km
Terme Tettuccio Spa in Italy

Italy 12.3 km
Terme Tettuccio
Terme Tettuccio Spa in Italy
Italy 12.3 km
Basilica of Our Lady of Humility Minor basilica in Italy

Italy 210 m
Basilica of Our Lady of Humility
Basilica of Our Lady of Humility Minor basilica in Italy
Italy 210 m
San Giovanni Fuoricivitas Church building in Italy

Italy 148 m
San Giovanni Fuoricivitas
San Giovanni Fuoricivitas Church building in Italy
Italy 148 m
Alpe Tre Potenze Mountain in Italy

Italy 30.6 km
Alpe Tre Potenze
Alpe Tre Potenze Mountain in Italy
Italy 30.6 km
San Giovanni in Corte Baptistery Baptistery in Italy

Italy 42 m
San Giovanni in Corte Baptistery
San Giovanni in Corte Baptistery Baptistery in Italy
Italy 42 m
Libro Aperto Mountain in Italy

Italy 29.8 km
Libro Aperto
Libro Aperto Mountain in Italy
Italy 29.8 km
Dardagna Corso d'acqua in Italia

Italy 21.8 km
Dardagna Corso d'acqua in Italia
Italy 21.8 km
Villa La Magia Villa in Italy

Italy 10.1 km
Villa La Magia
Villa La Magia Villa in Italy
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Orrido di Botri State nature reserve in Italy

Italy 29.1 km
Orrido di Botri
Orrido di Botri State nature reserve in Italy
Italy 29.1 km
Church of Sant' Andrea Historic church in Pistoia

Italy 310 m
Church of Sant' Andrea
Church of Sant' Andrea Historic church in Pistoia
Italy 310 m
Fattoria di Celle Sculpture garden in Italy

Italy 5.4 km
Fattoria di Celle
Fattoria di Celle Sculpture garden in Italy
Italy 5.4 km
Villa Rospigliosi Italian villa in Lamporecchio

Italy 12.4 km
Villa Rospigliosi
Villa Rospigliosi Italian villa in Lamporecchio
Italy 12.4 km
Monte Gomito Mountain in Italy

Italy 30.7 km
Monte Gomito
Monte Gomito Mountain in Italy
Italy 30.7 km
Acquerino reserve State nature reserve in Italy

Italy 11.4 km
Acquerino reserve
Acquerino reserve State nature reserve in Italy
Italy 11.4 km
San Bartolomeo in Pantano Church building in Pistoia

Italy 306 m
San Bartolomeo in Pantano
San Bartolomeo in Pantano Church building in Pistoia
Italy 306 m
Campanile del duomo di Pistoia Bell tower in Pistoia

Italy 69 m
Campanile del duomo di Pistoia
Campanile del duomo di Pistoia Bell tower in Pistoia
Italy 69 m
Villa Bellavista Villa in Italy

Italy 16.6 km
Villa Bellavista
Villa Bellavista Villa in Italy
Italy 16.6 km
Badia di Pacciana Abbey in Italy

Italy 5 km
Badia di Pacciana
Badia di Pacciana Abbey in Italy
Italy 5 km
« Province of Pistoia - Province in Italy » is provided by Around.Us ( Images and texts are derived from Wikimedia project under a Creative Commons license. You are allowed to copy, distribute, and modify copies of this page, under the conditions set by the license, as long as this note is clearly visible.